My Year of Surrender

Hello Friends,

Happy New Year Dear Friends!

I know we are several days into the year already, but I pray that all has been well for you all so far. God has already blessed my family so greatly this year with the birth of our fourth baby girl! Yep that’s right!


After months of worry and prayer over her health, it is such a joy to finally be able to hold her in our arms. Even more wonderful is the fact that we can physically see God’s hand on her, and the good work that He is doing within her tiny little body. My baby is a miracle in the making ya’ll!!

With a new baby in the house, things have been rather hectic and in flux lately…. hence my severely delayed first post of the year. I thank you all for continuing to be patient with me as I get used to being a mom of five. If you follow my Instagram, you would have seen that all of the sleepless nights have given me ample opportunity to ponder over my word of the year. I know many of us plan our goals for the year, create our vision boards, or pick a defining word for the year. Personally, I have been picking a word to define my year for the last couple of years and have seen varying degrees of success doing that. This year, however, I had a revelation and decided to pick a completely different word.

For 2019……I have chosen the word “SURRENDER”.

I want to surrender and lean into Jesus more this year. Not only do I plan on surrendering a lot of the things that weigh on my mind to God, but I also wish to give Him all of my hopes dreams and plans for the year as well. When you have control issues, it is so easy to think that if “you” keep on doing and pushing for what you want “you” can control the outcome. I realize that I control nothing here on this Earth. For the things that worry me…I must rest in the fact that God already knows what is to come and that He has already paved my path and won all of my battles. In regard to things I wish to accomplish this year, nothing can be successful without the force and will of God behind it. Prayer must also be a first step when it comes to these things, as well.

In preparation for my year, I have been meditating over the following scriptures:

“O Lord, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps. “

~ Jeremiah 10:23

“A man’s heart devisith His way but the Lord directeth his steps.”

~ Proverbs 16:9

“Commit thy works unto the Lord, and thy thoughts shall be established.”

~Proverbs 16:3

The Lord is always directing our steps, and His plans for us are always for good. Though we all suffer at times and go through storms, God’s Word is a well-lit path that we can follow…knowing that it leads to His good promises for us.

I know that it may seem strange to make my word of the year a word that often has negative connotations surrounding it. However, by refocusing on God I hope to gain a level of peace, freedom and security that I’ve never had before. Many of you already have your thoughts for the year already in mind, but I do encourage you to maybe think of one thing you can surrender to God this year. Maybe you want to work on your health or foster more meaningful relationships. Or perhaps you would like to commit to going to church more. I ask that you consider surrendering these things to God. Approach Him in prayer and ask Him to help you be successful in your area of focus. Acknowledge that you can’t do it alone, and that you trust Him to help you reach your goals.

Let’s welcome God into our hearts and homes and watch as His plans for us unfold throughout the year!


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