Bright Hope

Hello Friends,

Happy Holy Week friends!

Can it be? Are we already through the first quarter of the year? What a start to 2023 it has been for our crew. We have come to the holiest week of the year. It's a time of praise, worship and reverence as we take time to thank God for the sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ. One of my favorite hymns is "Great Is Thy Faithfulness". My favorite verse in this hymn is...

"Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow

Blessings all mine, with ten thousand beside!"

I cant help but think on that term "bright hope", the hope that we have in Jesus Christ. He died for our sins and gave us a chance at eternal life. Oh how I have prayed for "strength for today" every day of this year. Here's a little life update from the BusseysThis year has been filled with much celebration as we have already celebrated three of the children's birthdays so far. My String Bean boy turned 7, and my sweet Baby Bean girl turned 3 in January. Then my Bean Bean boy turned 2 in February. As always, we are praying for their salvation as they continue to grow in this beautiful yet fallen world. This week has been made even more special as we have been blessed to celebrate my grandmother's 83rd birthday with her! It has been a true gift to have her with us this week.

Despite all of these celebratory moments, the year has been quite challenging for the Bussey family. We were so happy to be expecting another sweet baby for our 11th wedding anniversary this year. However, that precious little soul went on to be with the Lord. While God has blessed us with many children, we have mourned deeply for our little one. The prolonged nature of the emotional and physical suffering weighed heavily on my spirit. Never did I imagine that I would have two miscarriages...that I would be the mother of two angels in heaven. One truly never knows the trials that will come our way as we navigate this life.

A couple of weeks after the miscarriage, one of my dearest friends ended her battle with cancer, and she too went on to Glory. For almost 13 years we nurtured a sweet friendship...a spunky seasoned lady walking alongside a young newlywed and mother. We met working at Macy's together and then fostered a long distance friendship just bursting with good fruit. She was always supportive, blunt yet thoughtful and was ever so clever. Though I know she is fully healed and rejoicing in heaven, I will forever miss our messages...and her quilts.

Worries over loved ones, finances, job security...whats next? We've had all of these attacks from the Enemy this year. So many days I prayed for the Lord to just give me one little portion...His "strength for today". I have asked God to keep being my "bright hope" in this dark world.

But this is the week my friends! This is the week to remember now more than ever that Jesus Christ is our Bright Hope! In full transparency, I share my struggles. Life gets extremely challenging at times, and I do not want you to be deceived by the perfect picture that social media presents. Christians will struggle too. Jesus said...

"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

John 16:13

He is such a kind father to warn and encourage us as a parent advises a child. Consider the first five verses of the Book of John...

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it."

~ John 1:1-5

Even though times are troubling and it may seem like its getting harder and harder to be a Christian these days, do not lose hope. Even if you have had a tough few months and you're just not sure what the future will bring, remember that a candle has been lit to light your path. The flame of this candle will NEVER go out. HIS NAME IS JESUS. All those years ago, He paid the ultimate price for your sins. He said that you were worth dying for. He didn't leave you in the dark then, and He's not going to leave you in the dark now.

I encourage all of you to take time tomorrow to thank God for sending Light into this world...for making a way for all of us. Pray that the Lord will strengthen your faith. If you're not doing so already, please start reading the Bible daily. It can be as simple as a Psalm or Proverb a day. Just start.

"Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path."

~Psalm 119:105

It's time to turn away from the dark, and start walking towards the light. Whatever pain

and sadness and hardship that you have faced lately has already been overcome. Let us rejoice tomorrow! Our Savior lives! Our Bright Hope has triumphed over the Enemy, and has conquered our troubles AND the grave!

My family and I pray that you all have an enjoyable Resurrection Sunday 2023, may the Lord bless and strengthen you all. Hosanna!


Morning After Night


A Year of Scripture